Help with Adonis chat

I want to enable Adonis’s custom chat.
I cannot find anything about it anywhere and the settings module does not have it listed anywhere else but in the descriptions and order tables.
Checking devforum, googling it, looking through all the settings, and using YouTube; all of which did not prevail.

Try this plugin:

If that doesn’t work, try this github.
Note: I don’t recommend downloading files, however, they may not be safe. Feel free to copy and paste the code, though.

I am using that model and cannot find the chat setting; furthermore, the github provides no answers for me.

Sorry, could you clarify exactly what the custom chat does (custom nametags, chat bubbles, for admins)?

If that is what you are looking for, this video seems up-to-date:

It replaces the Roblox chat with adonis’s chat allowing users to communicate in different channels or all together.

They removed their chat system I believe, however you can revert to old versions of adonis I think.

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How would I do that? I am unfamiliar with migrating to previous versions of Adonis.

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