With my previous topic, I was getting help with my mirror / webcam thing made from a viewport frame.
and now I need help with having it work 100% of the time
sometimes when launching a playtest / playing the game, this error happens
Players.BallOTinfoil.PlayerGui.SurfaceGui.the player copy and cframe one:3: attempt to index nil with 'Parent' - Client - the player copy and cframe one:3
basically meaning it can’t find the surface gui adornee’s parent… (on line 3)
I have no idea how to begin to fix this as i’ve already separated the error into variables to find the error and I don’t know how to wait until it finds the parent
(kinda thinking like WaitForChild but instead for the parent)
anyways, I need help with this
ty for all the help!
(script below):
local gui = script.Parent
local Adornee = gui.Adornee
local AdorneeParent = Adornee.Parent
local ViewportCamera = Instance.new("Camera")
ViewportCamera.CFrame = AdorneeParent.CameraDirection.CFrame
ViewportCamera.FieldOfView = 70
gui.ViewportFrame.CurrentCamera = ViewportCamera
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local DetectZone:BasePart = gui.Adornee.Parent.Detection
for _,player in game.Players:GetPlayers() do
for _,part in player.Character:GetChildren() do
local clone = part:Clone()
clone.Parent = gui.ViewportFrame.WorldModel