Help with anchor script

i most use startergui drfsfdsdsfsdfdf

first of all, that’s a normal script but i changed the RunContext to Client.
Secondly, surely making the RunContext to Server would make it so when it clicks, it falls down for every player.

Something tells me that this is a localscript.

yea this is local script dkjhjhjkghjdkjdfkjdfjkjdfjdkfjkdfjkffgjghdkj

put script to click detector hjadfsskdsj

Now I’m confused on how this thread has 47 replies.

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Ok, first I create the base of the challenge, it will remain in workspace, and be a server created object.


Then in studio, I create the actual falling part, the bridge
Then I move this model to ‘ReplicatedStorage’ (just the falling part)

So now in workspace I have the base part (two platforms) and in replicated storage I have the falling part (bridge)

The base part has a local script…

local bridge = game.ReplicatedStorage.Bridge:Clone()
bridge.Parent = script.Parent

All this does is find the falling part in replicated storage, and parent it to the base part in workspace.
This causes the falling part to be created locally on the client, and so it becomes visible in the map.

Then inside the ‘falling part’ there is a click detector and some code…

	script.Parent.Part.Anchored = false

This code simply detects if the player clicks the bridge, and unanchors it

Here is the place file if you need to see it in studio
BridgeFall.rbxl (42.7 KB)

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for some damn reason, it didn’t work. not even an error occurs in output

did you try the attached .rbxl file as is? Did that at least work?

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Yes that rbxl file did work, but for some god forsaken reason, my place didn’t work

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