Help with animating CFrame in moon animator

I have been trying to animate a dummy kicking down a door in moon animator but I have encountered a problem. I am animating the door’s CFrame, and the dummy’s CFrame in the animation. The animation only works in moon animator and not when loading in-game.

In moon animator:


The only answer I’ve come up with myself is to user motor6ds, but if I do that then the door’s CFrame would change relative to the CFrame of the dummy

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Isnt that whats supposto happen?

There is a difference between what happens in moon animator and in-game. I am trying to find a way to make what happens in moon animator to happen in-game

Hello you dont work Frame in game, do you solved the problem? i also have this problem.((

I created an invisible basepart for the model, and connected the humanoidrootpart to the basepart with a motor6d

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