Hello, my name is Kyle. I don’t know what I am doing wrong for this one animation script. It’s an old one, but whenever I look it up it’s the same thing, and it doesn’t work. It has no errors though. It’s about when you equip a tool it will play an animation, and the other one is when you glitch with a tool, it will play a different animation. Here is what I do. (It’s me just talking to myself. But it might also be an animation problem?) (Oh and I made the animation)
–Make a tool, then make a script and put this.
local sp = script.Parent.Speed
local tool = script.Parent
local animation = tool:WaitForChild(“Animation”)
function onEquip(mouse)
local char = tool.Parent
local hum = char:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
if char and hum then
local animationTrack = hum:LoadAnimation(animation)
–Then add a number value to the tool rename to speed
–Insert animation to tool, and paste your animation
–And done