Help with animations

I am working on a game where you control two different characters at the same time, I have implemented an animation system where I just copy the default Roblox animation script and at the top where it defines the Figure variable I set it to

local Figure = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(PLR.Name.." Clone 1")

It finds the clone of the player and the rest of the script works fine since it is the default Roblox R6 animation script.

The problem I am having is the animations arent shown in the server and other clients. I have the animation scripts in the default LocalScript Roblox uses and have them under StarterPlayerScripts. Everywhere I look it says that animations in a LocalScript run for the server and other clients, but this doesn’t seem to be the case for me. Please tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it!

This might be the solution to your issue.


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