January 27, 2022, 3:13am
I have seen an exploiter spawn a gun that is not in my game and it showed they had the weapon on the server. They also spawned a zombie
Can exploiters take tools that aren’t in a game and put it into their backpack?
What would the anti cheat script for this look like?
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You probably have a backdoor from a free model. Or you have a remote event which adds the tools without a if statement
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January 27, 2022, 3:19am
I have a script which clones a tool from replicated storage but that tool was not the weapon the exploiter used.
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January 27, 2022, 3:24am
You have a backdoor in your game. Please use my guide to remove said backdoor.
Ah yes, backdoors. backdoors are scripts you would often found hidden in a model, snuck in by a scripter or builder you just hired, or a random plugin you installed like, 5 years ago? Backdoors are similar to Trojan Horses, as they are usually hidden in normal-looking models you can find in the toolbox, or in the library.
Backdoors are usually found in models, plugins, etc. that people make to give themselves a way to bypass filtering enabled (or FE), typically called …
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January 27, 2022, 3:24am
Could they edit the scripts inside the tool?
January 27, 2022, 3:25am
Scripts are not at all modifiable nor readable by the client. Either you have a backdoor in your game or your game is just lacking in security for remoteevents.