What do you want to achieve?
My main goal is to get all the games in roblox into tables, and i need help finding apis for that -
What is the issue?
I already found a searching api, but it has about 40 games per page, i tried adding “&maxPerPage” or smth to the url but nothing worked, i also made searches, nothing worked -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I tried using python to not run into limits, but even python had its limits
- Is it possible to have a maxPerPage to the api? (https://apis.roblox.com/search-api/omni-search?searchQuery=KEYWORD&sessionId=SESSIONIDpageType=games)
- What are the limits of the roblox apis? (How much requests can i do per second)
- Is there any other way than the searching api to get all the games on the platform (needs to be quick!)
Anything is appreciated!