I do not know how to do this:
But on my own module function
I want to make the function have their own so called “Visible Arguments” but I do not know how. My module only has a ... parameter but I want it to show the other ones without it showing ...
function module:WaitForChildWhichIsA(...)
local args = {...}
if typeof(args[1]) ~= "Instance" or typeof(args[2]) ~= "string" then warn("Attempt to index 'args' with an invalid value") return nil else end
local Parent = args[1]
local Object = args[2]
for _, v in pairs(Parent:GetDescendants()) do
repeat wait(0.1) until v
if v:IsA(Object) then
return Parent
Yes so you know how normal local functions if they have parameters then it shows the parameter icon thing when you try calling the function I want to make my own custom ones on my module functions without the … or adding anymore parameters
I am not sure I fully understand what you’re trying to say, but from what I understand from your post, I believe you’re trying to make your own implementation of Instance:FindFirstChildWhichIsA(classname). Forgive me if I am wrong!
but here’s how I would go about it:
function module:WaitForChildWhichIsA(parent, className)
if not (typeof(parent)=="Instance" and typeof(className)=="string") then
warn("Wrong arguments provided")
while true do
local obj=parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA(className);
if(obj) then return obj end;
those parameters are visible because of the roblox code editor, they have no effect on code! and Yes, I do believe once you set up a module and require it, the roblox code editor sometimes displays the functions and all of its parameters for you from a different script
The roblox code editor is a bit unpredictable; It sometimes displays, and sometimes it doesn’t. So my advice to you would be to write good code with predictable arguments so that you don’t need to rely on the code editor
The error says that FindFirstDescendant is not enabled; meaning that either roblox has not released the function to everyone, or they disabled it, or its only accessible to core scripts, or you have to enable it someway in roblox studio.