Help with balancing my constraint-based bike

I’ve been trying to make a constraint-based bike chassis recently; but i’ve encountered one big issue:

I can’t find a way to effectively balance the bike.

I’ve messed around with mass & BodyMovers and all of that, but half the time it does nothing, and the other half the driving is so messed up it’s nearly impossible to use.

Could anyone help me find a solution to it? Thanks.

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I think this is exactly what you need Roblox: Balancing a Motorcycle - YouTube

Hm, seems like it’s more of a speed-script thing rather than a tutorial if you know what I mean. I’d appreciate if there’s a more in depth tutorial on it, or perhaps another method of balancing the bike.

Well once I was making a plane and the mass center wasn’t correct so what I did is adding a cube part and welding all the others to it that so the cube was at the precise center

Tried that. It mildly balanced it, but once it started moving again, it fell over.

Same issue with my motorcycle i follow the tuturial and playing around with the settings