Help with Ban table

Hi there! :smile:

I made a script that adds the players UserId to a table if that player does a certain action, and any player within that table will be kicked from the game, and then the player UserId should save to the table, so next time the player re-joins, he will still be in that table, thus being kicked from the game, (aka a ban), Iā€™m having trouble with making my table save.

I have tried data stores, but as Iā€™m fairly new to scripting Iā€™m still not sure what to do.

Any help to how exactly I can make my table save would be much appreciated. :grinning: :+1:


Well we do not use a table for this. (Unless you are absolutely certain that there will only ever be 1 instance of roblox server in your game)

We just store a value in the playerā€™s data depicting whether they have been banned or not.

Could you explain more on what your saying?
I plan on making 3 places in my game.

Well, if this is a black list then it would make more sense, but if itā€™s not, then you can set up a ban system that works with BoolValues. This is really only useful for things like custom admin.

Basically, thereā€™s going to be a BoolValue thatā€™s called ā€œIsBannedā€, and if someone has a ban action done to them, then the ā€œIsBannedā€ value will be equal to true, with Datastores you can make sure it saves, and when the person joins again, you can use a PlayerAdded Event to check whether the value is true or false in their player. It seems like youā€™re new, so I donā€™t think I would like to give any code currently, it wouldnā€™t be helpful to you or me. I just simply gave the design/logic behind it.

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Could you explain more on how to save that value and when they join back and then determine whether its true or false.

This is what I have currently done using a table.

local SaveData = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("SaveBannedData")
local banned = { }

        while true do
        	if player does action then
        		table.insert(banned, player.UserId)
        		-- do nothing
        	if table.find(banned, player.UserId) then
        		player:kick("you are banned")
        		-- do nothing

        SaveData:SetAsync(player.UserId, banned)
        print("saved success")
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As I said before, this is a ban system not a black list, meaning it will ban any player that performs a certain action, its not a black list to prevent certain players from entering the game.

You would need to use GlobalDataStores to do this, and then you would approach it this way.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local BanStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("BanStore")

local bannedMessage = "You have been banned from this game"

function banPlayer(target)
	local userId = target:IsA("Player") and target.UserId or target
	local success, banned = pcall(function()
		return BanStore:UpdateAsync(userId, true)
	if (success) then
		if (target:IsA("Player")) then

function isPlayerBanned(userId)
	local success, result = pcall(function()
		return BanStore:GetAsync(userId)
	if (success and result) then
		return true
	return false

function PlayerAdded(player)
	if (isPlayerBanned(player.UserId)) then

for _, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do


How would this help? and how would I synchronise this with the player being banned for doing a certain action?

Insside of the ban function you could add another argument named ā€œreasonā€ and then use :SetAsync() but instead of (true) you could do ({ true, reason })

GlobalDataStores can be accessed on all servers, so when the data store updates and the player is in your game it would kick the player.

The function I wrote for you allows you to use either a player Instance or a user id when using the ban command

I have recently made a banDS program that may help you since itā€™s not Roblox based.


sorry, This is all very confusing for me, to keep it simple Iā€™ll give a different scenario, lets say for example if the player touches a part it should ban them, (not kick) meaning somehow we save there data (tables? data stores?) and they get kicked every time they try re-join. how would I do that?

You would need to save the playerā€™s key into the datastore. Whenever a child is added to players, check if their key is in that DS

I tried doing that by saving there key/ UserId in a table and then saving that table to a datastore, but its not working.

You donā€™t save it into the table. Your key is the directory

So lets make a table of the players data:

local PlayerDataTable = {
    isBanned = false, -- Make sure to have this
    Inventory = {},
    -- Etc

Now if it is false that means the player is not banned, and if it is true then the player is banned.
So whenever a player Joins check there data to see if isBanned is true.

   -- any method to get the playersdata | DataStore2, ProfileService or your own
   -- Once you have their data
   if data.isBanned then player:Kick("You are banned") end -- If its true kick the player everytime they connect.

Hope this helps.

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local Bans = {"Username", 0000000} -- add a username (string) or a userid (number)

function checkBan(player)
   for _,banned in pairs(Bans) do
      if type(banned) == "string" and player.Name == banned then
         return true
      elseif type(banned) == "number" and player.UserId == banned then
         return true
   return false

   if checkBan(player) == true then

Thanks, I will try this out, and let you know :grinning: :+1:

Using a username as a directory is a very bad idea

See my previous post, post#7 I think? Iā€™m making a ban system, not a black list

U can just change your username and now u donā€™t get kicked anymore