Help with basic Murder Mystery game script

Like this?

local plrs = game.Players
local ready = false

while true do
		while true do
		local num = #plrs:GetPlayers()
		if num > 1 then
			local ready = true 
			local ready = false 
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Yes! That’s will should work, if it will not work, try put another ) at end)

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It still doesn’t work. I don’t know what is going on

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It’s underlining the word


in blue


Do you get any errors? That’s maybe about I writed that wrong.

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Oh problem is you writed code like wrong position, use coroutine and write it again without copying.

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Ok, I’ll see if that will work

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Here is code I writed in a program

coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function( while true do; local num = #plrs:GetPlayers() if num > 2 then; ready = true else; ready = false end end))

You not need play with it just copy paste and run code

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I’ve layed it out like this - still not working…

while true do
	while true do
		local num = #plrs:GetPlayers()
		if num > 1 then
			local ready = true
			local ready = false
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Look the new post, it’s because I forget add function thing just copy paste and do not play with code just run the game

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I entered this and didn’t play with it…

coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function( while true do; local num = #plrs:GetPlayers() if num < 2 then; ready = true else; ready = false end))
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Edited script again, try it. I’m really sorry I’m at mobile so I has some mistakes.

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I just ran it, didn’t work again…

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Last try it now will work I edited if it will not work I cant help you anymore

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Just do this:

while true do
	local num = #plrs:GetChildren()
	if num > 1 then
		-- round starting
		-- wait for more players

Are you using a regular script in a screengui?

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Yes, this is a regular script :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You can try this too

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This worked! Thank you! :grin: :grin:

You all helped a lot though :laughing: