ive been trying make a healthbar with billboardGUI for my game, and as it a healthbar, the fill have to be with offset, so far i got the offset sizing part right, using the absolute size from the billboard to account for camera changing distance, but it have a small delay when trying to! anyone know why?
so far ive been using runservice.renderstepped and runservice.heartbeat
To add on to this reply, if you are updating the UI with RunService, I would instead recommend using :GetPropertyChangedSignal()
Example code:
local humanoid = nil --Reference the humanoid here
local newHealth = humanoid.Health
--Update the UI
its meant to change everyone’s HP bar size every frame, as billboard with offset sizes makes it for some reason scale up when farter away, so i have to constantly set it to the billboard absolute size
game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:Connect(function(delta)
for i,v:Player in pairs(players:GetChildren()) do
local char = v.Character
if not char then return end
local cutoff:Frame = frames[char].cutoff
local fill:ImageLabel = frames[char].fill
if not (cutoff or fill) then return end
local human = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
if not human then return end
local absolSize:Vector2 = cutoff.Parent.Parent.AbsoluteSize
fill.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(absolSize.X, absolSize.Y)
cutoff.Size = UDim2.new(human.Health / human.MaxHealth, 0, 1, 0)
the main problem is basically: when the camera is still, its scaled correctly and fits the background perfectly, when i move the camera away, the fill for a second is too small and have to wait a bit to get to the intended size
To get rid of that delay, instead of connecting to heartbeat, connect to Humanoid.Health.Changed() inside a local script, This should get rid of the delay and be less laggy.
I’ll correct it a little: Health.Changed:Connect()
By the way, I already have a working HP Bar that I found in the toolbox and edited it, you can try it if you want.
it uses image labels, so it have one background, one frame for cropping the fill with ClipInDescendants, and the fill, which have to be with offset size
Sorry, I was answering the question as you asked it, You mentioned a small delay when resizing, not the camera moving away making it smaller for a split second, As for a solution, this happens because of how you coded it, I suggest rewriting your script (and formatting it), You could also always find a tutorial if needed.
You can cutoff the health bar without having to use a cutoff Frame with ClipDescendants. You can do this by inserting a UIGradient as a child of the fill image, and setting the transparency to a number sequence.
Here is how you could do that:
--Set your fill image size to use scale instead of offset
local fill = script.Parent --Replace this with the actual address of your fill image
local uiGradient = fill.UIGradient --Replace this with what the name of the UIGradient is set to
local humanoid = Instance.new("Humanoid", workspace) --Again, replace this with the actual address
local maxHealth = humanoid.MaxHealth
local healthPercent = newHealth/maxHealth
local startKeypoint = NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0, 0)
local opaqueEnd = NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(healthPercent, 0)
local invisibleStart = NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(healthPercent + 0.001, 1)
local endKeypoint = NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1, 1)
local transparencySequence = NumberSequence.new({startKeypoint, opaqueEnd, invisibleStart, endKeypoint})
uiGradient.Transparency = transparencySequence
For example, here is how the transparency number sequence would look like when your health is at 50%: