Help with blacklisting certain roles with group API

Hi, I am trying to makea blacklist system with a API that will kick all the players that have a specific role in the group. I have the group info that the API prints out:

  ▼  {
                    ["groupId"] = 32071710,
                    ["roles"] =  ▼  {
                       [1] =  ▶ {...},
                       [2] =  ▼  {
                          ["id"] = 97174268,
                          ["memberCount"] = 9,
                          ["name"] = "GUARD ENTRANCE PROGRAM",
                          ["rank"] = 1
                       [3] =  ▼  {
                          ["id"] = 97195676,
                          ["memberCount"] = 3,
                          ["name"] = "OSUT",
                          ["rank"] = 2
                       [4] =  ▶ {...},
                       [5] =  ▶ {...},
                       [6] =  ▶ {...},
                       [7] =  ▶ {...},
                       [8] =  ▶ {...},
                       [9] =  ▶ {...},
                       [10] =  ▶ {...},
                       [11] =  ▶ {...},
                       [12] =  ▶ {...},
                       [13] =  ▶ {...},
                       [14] =  ▶ {...},
                       [15] =  ▶ {...}

The opened ones are the ones I wanna kick out of the game. Here is my script:

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local rolesAPI = ""
local blacklistedRoleIds = {97174268, 97195676}  -- Role IDs to blacklist

local function getGroupRoles()
	local success, result = pcall(function()
		return HttpService:GetAsync(rolesAPI)

	if success then
		return HttpService:JSONDecode(result)
		warn("Failed to fetch group roles:", result)
		return nil


	local groupRoles = getGroupRoles()

	if groupRoles then
		local playerRoleId = groupRoles[tostring(player.UserId)]
		if playerRoleId and table.find(blacklistedRoleIds, then

			print(player.Name .. " is blacklisted.")

			player:Kick("You are blacklisted from this group.")

The problem is it doesnt kick the player.
id appreaciate any help.

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So basic debug skills here, but right now that’s not much information.

  1. Does it print the group roles?

  2. Does it print “playerName is blacklisted”

If not, for #2 then you know it’s an issue with either: playerRoleId or table.find(blacklistedRoleIds,

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I see the issue actually…

Your api is requesting: The Group Roles

And then your trying to find a specific player’s rank which obviously won’t be listed in the Group roles.

ALSO There is absolutely no point to the API because:

  • Roblox has the player:IsInGroup(groupId), player:GetRoleInGroup(groupId), player:GetRankInGroup(groupId) API built into roblox.PLEASE USE THAT it’s 10x more efficient than sending and using up an HTTP request to a proxy which sends and returns a fetch to Roblox API.
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Adding on to this, Roblox has GroupService:GetGroupInfo() that returns this exact information. Here is the page for it:

Here is an example return:

group = {
    Name = "Knights of the Seventh Sanctum",
    Id = 377251,
    Owner = {
        Name = "Vilicus",
        Id = 23415609
    EmblemUrl = "",
    Description = "We fight alongside the balance to make sure no one becomes to powerful",
    Roles = {
        [1] = {
            Name = "Apprentice",
            Rank = 1
        [2] = {
            Name = "Warrior",
            Rank = 2
        [3] = {
            Name = "Earth Walker",
            Rank = 255

Using HTTPs adds a whole other level of complexity. It shouldn’t be used if Roblox already provides the functionality.

Basically do:

local GroupService = game:GetService("GroupService")

local GROUP_ID = 32071710

local roles
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
    roles = GroupService:GetGroupInfoAsync(GROUP_ID).Roles
if not success then
    -- Handle the error, for example retry a few times (recommended) or just give up and kick the player (not recommended)

-- TODO: Your PlayerAdded connection here using the roles table above (unless getting the roles table failed)

Exactly, infact Roblox disabled same server requests for this reason
There is no need, nor will roblox want you or allow you (not using a proxy) to send a request for the same data that is natively fetched.

Don’t try and overcomplicate code, most of the times the simplest solutions are the best.

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Doesn’t roproxy still work?

I meant that roblox won’t allow same server requests through HTTP unless you use a proxy.

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