Help with Blender to Roblox animation!

Hello! I have made an animation in blender. I have used the ChildOf constraint for the second magazine however on roblox it doesnt really show?

image (blender everything is fine) (roblox second magazine doesnt follow hand)

Does your tool have a handle that you use?

Yeah it has a handle

Turn off it’s requires handle property, and if your gun is already rigged correctly then make it so that whenever it’s equipped a motor6d attaches the handle to the players torso

I’ve found the solution, For people that want to use ChildOfConstraint on roblox, weld whatever u want to use with the constraint to the HumanoidRootPart, in blender then parent it to the HRP. But thank u anyways Mars

Yes that is called rigging (and you have to rig your tools for them to work)

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