Help with Body Gyro on Homing Missile

So basically im making a homing missile using body velocity and bodygyro it works fine for the most part but for some reason I cant track the target head-on or side profile it always track the back of the missile

You can see it works well from rear aspect

but from side or front aspect it just turn right around the back of the target

--This is most of the code moving the missile
	local distance = (missile.Position - target.Position).Magnitude
	--	local LV = missile.CFrame.LookVector
	--	local XZDist = math.sqrt(LV.x ^ 2 + LV.z ^ 2)
	--	local Pitch =  math.atan(LV.y / XZDist)
	if missileactive == false then return end

	if Gas <= MaxGas	then
		speed = speed - .5
		if speed == 0 then
		end	end
	if Gas >= MinGas then
		speed = speed + 1
		Gas = Gas - 1		end
	if Gas <= MinGas then
		missile.Parent.Emmiter.Smoke1.Enabled = false
		missile.Parent.Emmiter.Smoke2.Enabled = false
	local acceleration = missile.CFrame.LookVector * speed
	local gravity = missile.CFrame.UpVector
	bv.Velocity =  acceleration
	bg.CFrame =, target.Position)