Help with book case

Im making a sort of library city and its going to be fairly gothic in style however Im not sure if I should make the books darker colours (bottom) various colours (middle)
or really push the old leather bound style (top)


feedback and ideas would really help


I would make the books in to actual books instead of just parts. The single part books don’t look good and just look lazily made. You can redo them pretty simply with only 4part. One for the pages then 2 for each cover then 1 to connect the covers.



its just the way the photos taken, I wanted to keep the books simple as its going to be a fairly dark game and didnt want unneeded lag when they wont be very visable


The bookshelf’s design looks really nice, but i suggest that you resize and rotate the books. It just looks the same book but with different colors

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Ah, alright.

Then I would make the books standing upright as that’s how books stand is a real life library. They’re not laying down.

Also, the pages material id a bit weird, I would change that to an ice material as that makes it look smoother like paper but still has some cracks or in this case wrinkles.


Thats exactly what they are, once I get a good colour pallet down Im gunna put more detail into it but I wanna do each detail as I go


What do you mean laying down? do you mean the brown bindings at the back? also I think ill stick with the fabric texture as it looks like really old paper to me, these books are suppose to be like thousands of years old so pristine paper wouldnt make much sense

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The books are laying down flat facing straight up. In real libraries they’re standing upright and turned sideways.

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Can you give me an example of what you mean because my books are straight up like they would be in a real library so im not sure if its just like a cultural difference or my books make it look like their laying down

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It’s most likely a cultural difference as you’re saying but here:


I’m not an experienced builder since I’ve made only a few builds but I think that you could put some space between the books.


Never seen a bookshelf in roblox before. I agree would be better if more detail in the books and a darker set of colours so they blend in better.


Something that I would do is change some of the materials in the books, Like maybe some plastic or make some concrete.


I think its just the way the bindings look because thats the way I have my books set up lol