Are you sure you followed the steps correctly ? Because it worked for my friend…
BTW? Make sure to not launch roblox studio as administrator, because else it will overwrite files
content\studio_svg_textures this might be huge replace cuz it need a lot of time
There 2 folder
Dark and light
dark icon more lighter
light icon more darker
How to fix this:
Delete roblox studio and re open it but do not run it as an administrator
For the rest, I don’t know how to fix it. This bug happened to some other people but it didn’t happen for some of my friends. So it’s half patched, i guess ? I don’t know if there is a way to stop roblox updating files, but it would be really useful in this situation.
Anyway uhm… I don’t have a solution for this at the moment, but if I find another way to bring back the old UI, I’ll make a post about it.
So… That’s all I have to say…
Have a good day !