I get somewhat how to achieve this idea but I want to make it efficient and based on player range.
The design is pretty simple, whenever the player is in “range”, it will change the camera to a certain part, say A, B, C, or whatever. I know how to achieve this but not when the player is in range. I would use a part touch but that is inefficient and buggy.
Also, the camera would in ways follow the player’s position on a straight axis.
so say Z axis, the camera would be confined to the “A” part’s Z axis, then when in range of say “B” part it will change to that part’s axis.
I’ve seen the design of this and I have experimented with other codes but they don’t work in the way I want them to or I just don’t understand them, therefore, it makes it harder for me to implement and change it when I need to.
I have an image of what I want to achieve somewhat (Not my image credit to Nullxiety)
this kind of but only 1 limit and when in range it will change to another part.