Help with camera shake effect

How can I make a camera shake effect that works first person and third person? I’ve tried rapidly changing the cameras orientation but it just seems choppy and really bad. If u know tell me!

Cant you just manipulate the CameraOffset inside the Player’s Humanoid?

Have you tried, Camera Shaker. After setting up the module it works perfectly.

Im trying to create my own camera shaker

Here is an Example of a simple Camera shake:

local TweenService = game.TweenService

local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Char = script.Parent

local hum = Char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
while wait() do
	if hum then
	TweenService:Create(hum,, {CameraOffset =,1),math.random(0.1,1),math.random(0.1,1))}):play()

I’ve seen that Shaker before in Unity it’s been around for a decade, has never failed. Good luck!

Im going to try this when im back home

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