Help with camera system

I am trying to make a camera system for a game but this happens

the issue is that im using camera.CFrame:lerp so this happens:

i want the camera to stay in a fixed distance from the player but still lerp for the smooth feeling and the walking delay thing

I tried searching for spherical lerp methods but I didnt understand a thing, tried using a module a friend gave me and it didnt work

thats what im using for the current system, really simple

cameraPart.CFrame = cameraPart.CFrame:Lerp(camera.CFrame, 0.1)
camera.CFrame = cameraPart.CFrame
--inside a renderStepped run service loop ↑ , i also locked the mouse using 
--uis.MouseIconEnabled = false
--uis.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter

You could always immediately assign the CameraPart.CFrame and then Lerp the camera.CFrame

so like set camerapart position to camera then lerp camera? im really bad at understanding stuff