Help with Camp / Forest Area

I’ve been working on a camping forest area for practice, I’ve planned on adding a tent area already, but this area I have no idea what to put on it, this path connects to the parking lot area where players would park, and then it leads to the end road where you could also park at.

You could maybe add a image of the park. Like in real life they have a image of the map of the park, you could also maybe add a bench and a trash can, or even a vending machine.

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thats a good idea, I have some like boards and signs that showcase directions like these;

which I dont know if I should edit them to showcase actual text or not, but I think that adding like a map near the parking lot would be a good idea.


You could add a lodge, a fire tower, or some other type of structure that goes with your theme.

The signage is a great piece to put there. If this is a final place to park an automotive before proceeding on foot to the camp area, maybe some sort of log fence such as these?

Log Fence

Maybe a small (inactive/active) park ranger building?! :slight_smile: