Im currently working on a capture point system for my game, and i’ve run into a small problem
Im trying to make it so once the player goes onto the point, it detects the players team color and what ever color he is it adds a number onto the contested part, but when using.Touched you run into a problem. I can setup onto it once and it detects four, to 5 times.
capturePoint.Touched:Connect(function(hitPart) --// detecting when the player hits the capture point
local plr = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hitPart.Parent) --// Getting player from touched
local hum = hitPart.Parent.Humanoid --// Getting humanoid from touched
local db = false
if plr and db == false then --// Detecting if player is still a thing
db = true
if plr.TeamColor == teamA.TeamColor then --// Detecting if players team color matchs teamA
print(plr.Name .. " has entered point on TeamA") --// Debuging'
capturePointData.PointA.PlrTeamA.Value = capturePointData.PointA.PlrTeamA.Value + 1
print("Point A currenlty has: " .. capturePointData.PointA.PlrTeamA.Value .. " of players on the point")
EVERYTHING HERE WORKS I just need to find a way on how I can make it so it detects if the player gets onto the point, and only adds one value, and so once he gets off it removes him.
Example is that i just walked onto the point, it wont add four players only adds one.
So when I get off it get rids of the player.
Be aware of that .Touched and .TouchEnded are not always “reliable”, so my following suggestions may and may-not work “always”.
I see you already sort of know of ‘debounce’, as you have that db variable.
Unfortunately you seem to not yet know, that a local variable only “exist” for as long as the scope it is defined within exist. - So your placement of the db variable must be “outside” of the anonymous-function that is connected to the .Touched event.
If you take a closer look at the sample codes, that the API documentation for Touched and TouchEnded has, you would see a “Touching Parts Count”. - That code may give you some clues, on how to only “count once”, combined with some debounce per player.
To get a simple (and unfortunately not completely reliable and even slightly memory-leaking) “debounce per player” implementation, you could use an associative array, where the ‘key’ is the player-object and ‘value’ is how many parts-of-the-player’s-character that is “still touching”.
local playersTouching = {}
-- (excluded code for finding player-object from hitPart)
if player ~= nil then
if playersTouching[player] == nil then
-- Player-object was not already registered in the associative array,
-- so we know that this must be the first time a part of the player's
-- character is touching this capture-point. So initialize with zero,
-- which will be incremented outside this if-statement's code-body.
playersTouching[player] = 0
-- (excluded code for score calculation)
-- Increase "still touching"
playersTouching[player] = playersTouching[player] + 1
-- (excluded code for finding player-object)
if player ~= nil then
if playersTouching[player] ~= nil then
-- Decrease "still touching"
playersTouching[player] = playersTouching[player] - 1
-- In case the count reaches or goes below zero, then remove
-- the entire 'key' from this associative array.
if playersTouching[player] <= 0 then
playersTouching[player] = nil