Help with cframe around a model

You know when you group parts and if some parts are tilted, its cframe (the blue lined box thing that is around the model when you click it and shows the move and rotate tools) is all tilted and stuff.

Is there a way to make it… not like that? So the cframe is straight… (Sorry for my wording don’t neccesailry know how to word this question.) Thanks.

You can set the primary part of the group to a part that is not tilted, or change the pivot rotation.

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You can change the primary part of the model to a part that is aligned how you expect. You can also use Ctrl+L to swap between local and world space while building. Might help.

Consider using the SBS plugin, extremely helpful for building.

How do i set the primary part?

In the properties of the model, there will be something called “PrimaryPart”, Simply click that and the part inside the model you want as primary part.

Yooooo it worked. TYSM

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