I have three functions which help the placement of a piece of furniture, the first two functions calculate the position, with the first one intending to “snap” the furniture to a grid, while the second function prevents the furniture from “clipping” into the walls and floor.
What I want to do is combine the first two functions so that it can both prevent the furniture from “clipping” into walls as well as adhere to the snap to grid function. However the math gets too disorientating for me, any help?
local function SnapFurniture()
posX = math.floor(mouse.Hit.X / gridSize + 0.5) * gridSize
posY = math.floor(mouse.Hit.Y / gridSize + 0.5) * gridSize
posZ = math.floor(mouse.Hit.Z / gridSize + 0.5) * gridSize
local function CheckPlacement(FurnitureLocal)
local rayOrigin = mouse.UnitRay.Origin
local rayDirection = mouse.UnitRay.Direction.unit * 100
local ignoreList = {FurnitureLocal, player.Character}
local newRay = RaycastParams.new()
newRay.FilterDescendantsInstances = {FurnitureLocal, player.Character}
newRay.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection, newRay)
if raycastResult then
pos = raycastResult.Position
norm = raycastResult.Normal
local function ChangePos(pos, norm, FurnitureLocal, TurnNum)
if FurnitureLocal ~= nil then
local endPos = pos + (norm * (FurnitureLocal.PrimaryPart.Size*.5))
local endAngle = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(TurnNum), 0)
FurnitureLocal:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(endPos) * endAngle)