Help with cheaters

Hi! Something has come to my attention lately in one of my games: cheaters can access and delete instances from the server.

This happened just a couple minutes ago and i’m not content with this problem as it is very grave and puts in danger the community of my game, my game and myself.

I’d need some help to find a solution for this, since it doesn’t make me feel secure as of now.

I neither have any knowledge of anti-cheats and how to make one.

Please help!

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Ah, backdoors. Developers’ worst nightmare.

When it comes to cheaters being able to execute server-sided scripts, many developers would say that the game is backdoored.

A backdoor is a malicious script that allows cheaters to execute server-sided scripts, completely bypassing FilteringEnabled and resulting in an utter chaos. This is commonly found in free models and rarely added by rogue developers.

Forgot to state that you can also get backdoor from malicious plugins which is much much worse.

You can’t prevent this by just adding an anti-cheat, even if it’s server-sided since they too can be deleted. You would have to look into the game and search for suspicious require() and getfenv() since they’re commonly found in backdoors.

UNLESS you have an unprotected remote responsible for deleting instances, at which point you would have to protect it by adding a sanity check (basically a check that prevents misuse by cheaters).


If Exploiters can delete instances serversided its because:

  1. Unsecured remote events
  2. Malicious scripts

Something i’ve said awhile ago thats still accurate:

Last time i checked, the first result for “hangout” in the roblox toolbox with unverified creators enabled contains a malicious script.
With roblox’s CTRL + F feature (find all), you can try looking for these references:

A similar topic:

i actually had a delete item event which was very open on what to delete, i fixed it by making everything from a server script! Thank you all for your support!

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