Help with coloring 1 part with 2 different colors

I didnt think about this when i started the sword, but the hand guard and the blade is 1
part, so i cant color them differently
If you know how to color the hand guard one color and the blade another, please tell me

Thank you

I think you should create a texture for your mesh.

Fun fact: original Linked Sword was just 1 single part with a mesh with a texture. This shows their potential.

ummmmm, i dont really understand, sorry im a little new

You can read about creating textures in blender here.

Hmm, i dunno , what i usually do is to select the part i want to color (in edit mode) then apply the material…

There are two methods you could try.
1st. Using the UV mapping method. What you can do is add a seam where you want a texture to end and paint it in either or any other photo editing software.
2nd way is much much easier. It’s the way that @seanmatthew123 mentioned.

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Hi there! If you want to seperate the hand guard and blade, and im assuming you’re using blender. You would go on edit mode and while holding ctrl, click on the verticies where the handguard and the blade meet. After you have selected the outline, you would click p and then click “Seperate by selection” and tada! The object will become into two seperate parts and you can color and texturize them as you want. I hope this helps :slight_smile: