Help with converting terrain via lawnmower

I have a lawnmower that I want to convert grass terrain to Leafy Grass whenever my mower runs over it. The main issue that I am facing is how to detect when and where my mower is touching the grass terrain. I know how to replace terrain, but that is only the easy part.

workspace.Terrain:ReplaceMaterial(, max), 4, Enum.Material.Grass, Enum.Material.LeafyGrass)


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You could use raycasting, raycasting below the lawnmower then doing stuff.

Uh, I’m going to need a little more help than that. How would I detect if the raycast is hitting terrain?

I’m trying to figure out something right now, so I don’t really have time so just read up on Intro to Raycasting

Would I need to do a raycast from all four corners of the lawnmower blade? Or can raycast have a radius?