Help with copying animations to different account

Hello! I was wondering if anyone would know how to get one animation from a different account to another account. I tried to just copy them over and it doesn’t work so does anyone know how? I think I did it a while ago with someone else’s animations that I got from them and it worked but I’m just trying to figure out how to do it again. If anyone could help that would be great, thank you!

RBLX files. The way you can transfer your roblox animations are RBLX files

just save the animation as a file by selecting the animation and right clicking it
then clicking export selection

and on other account open animation tab thingy hover over Import and click from FBX animation

just have the 2 accounts share studios and import the rig from studio to the shared one

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I was going to try this but it kept saying it failed to export. Any solutions to that? I tried saving it in different folders and places and stuff like that but it didn’t seem to work at the time.

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sorry for late reply i wan’t on dev forum for a while the only thing i can think of is make sure to select and animation clip not the folder and select export selection if that won’t work you can use the sharing studio with 2 accounts

grab the rig used as the animation with the animation saves and publish them to roblox and add them into your game on your other account and save them again