Help with creating a command bar!

Hey, so I am creating an administrator command bar for my game I have been working on. I have the basics of it down but I cannot figure out why it is not working and nothing is showing in output. Does anyone know why?

local message = script.Parent.Text
local prefix=";"

	if EnterPressed then
	if message:sub(1,2) == prefix.."kick "  then
		local Target = game.Players:FindFirstChild(message:sub(2))
		if not Target then
			print("target not found") 
			Target:Kick("Kicked for a test")

Note: I am not very familiar with command bars or just strings in general.

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You’re saving old text in the message variable. Insert the variable inside the FocusLost function so it’s actually getting the most recent text when they loose focus.

Hey, thanks for the fast reply. Is this what it needs to look like?

local prefix=";"

	if EnterPressed then
		local message = script.Parent.Text
	if message:sub(1,2) == prefix.."kick "  then
		local Target = game.Players:FindFirstChild(message:sub(2))
		if not Target then
			print("target not found") 
			Target:Kick("Kicked for a test")
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Yeah that would work, for best practice maybe place it inside the next if statement in order to not store variables if the command is not kick, but since you’re probably going to implement more commands this is good.

I attempted that and it still did not work.

Finally, It’s something to do with the sub function.
Let’s say that message is “;kick me”
If we perform :sub(1,2) it would return only “;k”
You would have to do :sub(1,5) in order to get “;kick”.
Though, you would have to also change the Target with :sub(6,#message) to get the player, but this is hacky since this also gets everything else after the ;kick, which could not be only the player’s name.

Oh, so like this?

local prefix=";"

	if EnterPressed then
		local message = script.Parent.Text
	if message:sub(1,5) == prefix.."kick "  then
		local Target = game.Players:FindFirstChild(message:sub(6,#message))
		if not Target then
			print("target not found") 
			Target:Kick("Kicked for a test")

Here’s an improved version since I made a few mistakes.

local prefix=";"

	if EnterPressed then
		local message = script.Parent.Text
	if message:sub(1,5) == prefix.."kick "  then
		local Target = game.Players:FindFirstChild(message:sub(7,#message):split(" ")[1])
		if not Target then
			print("target not found") 
			Target:Kick("Kicked for a test")

Now for the split thing, it’s basically just to get the player and nothing else after the string.

you could have just done


since leaving the second argument automatically replaces it with the number of characters of the string

fix that to

if message:sub(1,6) == prefix.."kick "  then

because ";kick " is 6 characters

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As much as I hate to say, it still did not work. Also again thank you for the replies this is very helpful.

As @LielMaster stated, replace the first if statement’s :sub(1,5) with :sub(1,6) and it will work.

An easier way to handle commands with args would be to just string.split the message and extract the args you need


local prefix = ";"
local message = ";kick bob Hacking" -- example of script.Parent.Text
local args = message:split(" ") -- "args" will look like this {";kick", "bob", "Hacking"}
local command = table.remove(args, 1) --> ";kick"
-- "args" will now look like this {"bob", "Hacking"}
if command == prefix .. "kick" then
    local target = args[1] -- first element of args table, "bob"
    local kickReason = args[2] -- second element of args table, "Hacking"

    local player = getPlayers(target) -- make a function to find a player from the name you specify
    if player then

If you did everything correctly, then it should kick “bob” with the kick message being “Hacking”


Have your commands in a table. Using many if statements are bad.

  • Use message:split(" ") to get arguments
  • Before you do above, convert the string to lowercase with message:lower() so the player can use any type of wording with it.
local commands = {} -- Create an empty table = function(player,arguments) -- If tp was the command it would run this
-- Do code here, while checking if the target (argument 2) exists. (RemoteEvents)

local splitString = text:split(' ') -- Split the message
local cmd = splitString[1]:split(prefix) -- Splits the first argument in splitstring with prefix
local command = cmd[2] -- Table would include "/","tp" instead of /tp (if your prefix is /)

if commands[command] then
	local arguments = {} -- Making empty table for arguments (player's, values, etc)
	for i=2#splitString do -- Getting any arguments after the 2nd argument (after the command)
		table.insert(arguments,splitString[i]) -- Insert arguments into table.
	commands[command](player,arguments) -- Runs your command

Basic understanding of commands

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I’m assuming this whole script is Local. You can’t kick another player locally.

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it is. As seen from the post, it says script.Parent.FocusLost, which is a text box and i believe it is on a gui or a frame

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local message = script.Parent.Text

I assume that this is referring to the gui inside StarterGui. This will infact not work as it is not targeting the replicated version for your client. You would need to do this:

local message = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui... -your path

This also explains why you don’t see anything in the bar.

he could just listen for focus lost send the text through a remote event and the server script will do stuff about it

FocusLost won’t activate as it’s not connected to the replicated textbox. He/She would need to go by PlayerGui in order to actually listen to changes made by that client.