Help with creating an inventory system GUI

Hey there, I was wondering how I would be making an inventory system similar to Tower Defense Simulator. No, this is not with tools, the GUI is opened in the shop, and you will have the gadgets that you have bought in your inventory. I have the shop part looking nice, but how would I make the pictures of gadgets/turrets appear in your inventory? How would I make then align together nicely the more things that you buy? Sorry if I can’t explain very well. Here’s what the GUI looks like right now.

For aligning them together nicely, using UIGrid or UILayout can help you obtain what you would want (for this instance UIGrid might be better).

For creating the buttons of the gadgets/turrets, you’d need to make a script that would look into the players inventory to see if a child was added/removed (a for-loop would be beneficial for this situation). For every item it had found, it would create a button inside of the players GUI.

If this didn’t make sense or you need help setting this up, let me know.

How do UIGrids work? I’m not super familiar with GUI elements.

UIGrids (when parented to a GuiObject) will organize every child inside of that GuiObject into a grid-like style.

Making things like this more possible and easier to make.

Thanks, that looks really nice. I’ll try that when I get back to my house.

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