Help with crop growing system

Hello, I’m trying to make a crop growing system involving having a base “copy to” position part with the proximity prompt and the crop itself, in a storage folder waiting to be brought out. I cannot for the life of me, figure out how to make this system where I take the crop, copy it to the cropPart position and then harvest the same crop on it without harvesting a completely random one the server script/module script grabbed.

(note i am a beginner scripter, i am not asking for a script, just pointers in the right direction, maybe a snippet )


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so you want to make another crop in the same position of the crop being harvested, so that it regenerates? or do you want a crop to spawn in there where the proximity prompt is activated?

I want the crop to spawn where the proximity prompt is activated yes, the problem is just I can’t figure out how to correspond that prompt to the same crop when you have multiple of the crops in the folder with the prompts.

you could put the script under the crop in the explorer so that you’re able to use script.parent to access it

You might take inspiration from this uncopylocked reference place:
Plant Plant - Roblox

Write-up about it: Plant Reference Project | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

The project uses AlignPosition constraints to place the plants, generating a ProximityPrompt for each placeable area and setting a variable to track which area it is. When triggered, it uses that variable to know which one to update.

Relevant sections of the code are CallToAction (which is a proximity prompt under the hood), and the things that use it like the NeedsWater > promptDataFunctions > onTriggered where it tells the server to water that specific plant.

Thank you for the help, I’ll try referencing the scripts for mine!

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