I made a function in module that acts similiar like Instance.new() but i have problem with type-checking. The function takes String to check what type of Force should it return and returns according Force class with it’s properties.
I don’t really know how do i typecheck it. I tried doing:
type NewForce:("Repel")->{Type:"Repel", Position:Vector3, Range:number, Power:number} | ("RepelConstant")->{Type:"RepelRepelConstant", Position:Vector3, Range:number, Power:number} | ("Turbulence")->{Type:"Turbulence", Position:Vector3, Scale:number, Power:number}
But when i try to make a NewForce with the script, here is what shows up:
Here is the script in module that returns the class:
function module.NewForce(Type)
if Type == module.TypeForce.Repel then
return {["Type"] = Type, ["Position"] = Vector3.zero, ["Range"] = 12, ["Power"] = 15}
if Type == module.TypeForce.RepelConstant then
return {["Type"] = Type, ["Position"] = Vector3.zero, ["Range"] = math.huge, ["Power"] = 15}
if Type == module.TypeForce.Turbulence then
return {["Type"] = Type, ["Position"] = Vector3.zero, ["Power"] = 15, ["Scale"] = 0.25}
The NewForce type is actually a part on moduleType type. I made NewForce as a standalone type to make it easier to read. Here is how it actually looks like:
type moduleType = {
NewForce:("Repel")->{Type:"Repel", Position:Vector3, Range:number, Power:number} | ("RepelConstant")->{Type:"RepelRepelConstant", Position:Vector3, Range:number, Power:number} | ("Turbulence")->{Type:"Turbulence", Position:Vector3, Scale:number, Power:number},