Okay, so I modelled my little dodo, and rigged him up. Unfortunately, however, I do not know how to get the correct HipHeight (at least that’s what I think the issue is here). Whenever I get this little dodo to move, his movement is very slow, and he builds up speed over time, and in the end does some totally rad drifts. Despite how much of a drift king this bird is, it’s not what I want. I’ve tried on a lot of different HipHeights, some where he is off the ground. He should be going the same speed as me at all times (16), and not having sluggish movement. While the movement is sluggish, the animation is also slowed down to fit to the speed of the movement. I am unsure whether this is an issue with the rig I have created or the HipHeight. GIF of slow movement and animation : https://gyazo.com/f275c5e1032eb43f105fa5c76000475c
also, since i love my bird so much, heres a picture of him