I’m making a doors inspired game and I was wondering what was the best way to store the different entities you died from. I’m planning to have a bunch of entities (~30)
And I would normally use a list with all the saves but I don’t know if that is the most efficient. Any help (including tips) is appreciated!
i would personally say you are fine using datastores to save that kind of information, especially if it is just how many times a player has died to an entity or a boolean for each entity.
if you are really worried about saving REALLY long lists of information about what entities a player has died to, you could use compression to make the saved information smaller.
there are some pretty good compression modules out there in #resources:community-resources,
however, as i mentioned, i do not find it necessary to compress the saved information in your specific case, and text compression does come with its own caveats.
Ok thanks! The reason why I was asking is because I wanna the hunt thing mixed in. Like instead of floors they are dimensions and I wanna have like 10+ by the end (I’m starting with one), so I just wanted to make the system well now instead of having to do it later when there are a lot more floors (or dimensions still deciding)
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