Help with deflecting knockback

So I want to make a knockback that follows an arc and gets reflected appropriatly when it hits an obstacle. To do the arc I used this guide from EgoMoose:

My approach was to move the player with a bodyPosition in a loop and raycasting the path he would travel. Then when a ray hits an obstacle the “velocity” gets reflected.

For the most part it works fine, but when the “velocity” is too fast the ray does not register on the obstacle. So what I need help with is detecting the collision of the ray.
Here is an example of the problem:

Here is the main code that runs this: (Note: I left out some things like the visualization of the rays for hopefully better readability)

local params =
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {target, char}
nt = 0
while (nt < t) do
	local normalCast = workspace:Raycast(p0, multiplier*g*nt*nt + v0*nt, params)

	if normalCast and normalCast.Instance.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") == nil and normalCast.Instance.Name ~= "HitBox" and normalCast.Instance.Parent.Name ~= "Platform" then
		local newP0 = target.HumanoidRootPart.Position  -- Position of the target where it hits the obstacle
		local newV0 = v0 - (2 * v0:Dot(normalCast.Normal) * normalCast.Normal) -- reflect velocity
		newV0 /= 2 -- lose some velocity after deflecting
		self:_simulateKnockback(newP0, multiplier, g, t, newV0, target, char, bp) -- Restarts the whole thing with the updated values
	bodyPos.Position = p0 + multiplier*g*nt*nt + v0*nt -- move target 
	nt = nt + runService.RenderStepped:Wait();

If you need any more info please feel free to ask