Help with Dialogue Typing Text

Um… I’m trying to make a dialogue text but with… a typing effect.

What is the problem?

I’m trying to make a specific system: that the letters appear on the left, but always stay centered like this:

Typing System

(sorry for the bad quality, but as you can see, the text starts typing to the left, but it always stays in the center of the screen or the frame).

I tried everything: I tried to make a typing text script, but every time I checked the text and saw the length so I could adjust the width of the text to keep it centered… but it didn’t work… I also tried to see if anyone else needed to make this system, but I didn’t find anything.

Please help me to make this. I would appreciate your help. Thank you.

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Use .MaxVisibleGraphemes. It controls how many characters are visible, but still “remembers” the characters.

If you used a tutorial on a typing text effect, most people are completely unaware of the MaxVisibleGraphemes property. It was added specifically for the typing text effect.

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Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your help :smiley:

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