Help with Disable tool command

Hi, I’m trying to make a command that when a textbutton is pressed it fires an event that send to a server script (both scripts are located inside the button) and disables the typed player’s tool. It works when the player has their tool unequipped and it’s located in their backpack, but it doesn’t work when the player has the tool equipped, located in their character model.

Here’s my Local Script:

local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character
local Remote = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("NeutralizeRemote")
local Remote2 = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("NeutralizeRemoteEquipped")

local playerusernamebox = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("PlayerUsername")

	local playerToNeutralize = playerusernamebox.Text
	local TargetPlayer = players:FindFirstChild(playerToNeutralize)	
	print("Found target player: " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. ".")
	local TargetPlayerCharacter = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(TargetPlayer.Name)
	print("Found " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. "'s character.")
	local TargetPlayerHumanoid = TargetPlayerCharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
	print("Found " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. "'s humanoid.")
	local TargetPlayerBackpack = TargetPlayer:WaitForChild("Backpack")
	print("Found " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. "'s backpack.")
	if TargetPlayer then
		local ToolToDisable = TargetPlayerBackpack:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool")
		local ToolToDisableCharacter = TargetPlayerCharacter:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool")
		if ToolToDisable and CollectionService:HasTag(ToolToDisable, "Weapon") then
			Remote:FireServer(TargetPlayer, TargetPlayerCharacter, TargetPlayerHumanoid, ToolToDisable)
			print(player.Name .. " fired the neutralize remote for: " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. ". (TOOL IS IN BACKPACK)")
		elseif ToolToDisableCharacter and CollectionService:HasTag(ToolToDisable, "Weapon") then
			Remote2:FireServer(TargetPlayer, TargetPlayerCharacter, TargetPlayerHumanoid, ToolToDisableCharacter)
			print(player.Name .. " fired the neutralize remote for: " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. ". (TOOL IS IN CHARACTER)")

Here’s my Server Script:

local Remote = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("NeutralizeRemote")
local Remote2 = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("NeutralizeRemoteEquipped")

Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, TargetPlayer, TargetPlayerCharacter, TargetPlayerHumanoid, ToolToDisable)
	if plr then
		if TargetPlayer and TargetPlayerCharacter and ToolToDisable then
			ToolToDisable.Enabled = false
			print("Disabled " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. "'s Tool: " .. ToolToDisable.Name .. ".")

Remote2.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, TargetPlayer, TargetPlayerCharacter, TargetPlayerHumanoid, ToolToDisableCharacter)
	if plr then
		if TargetPlayer and TargetPlayerCharacter and ToolToDisableCharacter then
			print("Unequipped " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. "'s Tool: " .. ToolToDisableCharacter.Name .. ".")
			ToolToDisableCharacter.Enabled = false
			print("Disabled " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. "'s Tool: " .. ToolToDisableCharacter.Name .. ".")

P.S. I get no errors. and both remotes are in the button’s parent ( a Frame).

Please help. Thank you.

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maybe try replacing this part in the server script from this:


to this:

ToolToDisableCharacter.Parent = plr.Backpack

You are using the incorrect argument for CollectionService:HasTag on your second conditional.

elseif ToolToDisableCharacter and CollectionService:HasTag(ToolToDisable, “Weapon”) then

Notice the ToolToDisable as the first argument instead of ToolToDisableCharacter.


oh yeah i didnt even notice, this is correct ignore my reply :sweat_smile:


Thank you so much for the help! :smile:

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