Help with disabling and then re-enabling Egomoose’s gravity controller

This is an extension of my previous post which you can find here.

What am I trying to achieve?
I am trying to disable Egomoose’s gravity controller when a player is about to sit in a seat, and then re-enable it after the player has left the seat. (To be clear I do not need help with detecting when the player sits and leaves a seat.) I have already tried deleting the local script which I believe controls the gravity, but that just freezes the player and disables the controls. I am aware that the wall stick controller also made by Egomoose does not have an issue with seats, but I have come to the conclusion that it would not work for my purposes. How might I achieve my goal? -Qbizh

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If you just Disable the Script when the player sits, then Enable it when they leave it should work, but I think you’ll have to ‘reset’ the parameters that change when this happens so the values don’t stay the same as when the Script is running.

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What script(s) should I disable, the local script?

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Didn’t EgoMoose figure Seats into the script? He’s usually pretty clever about thinking about everything people might think of to do with his scripts.
Maybe check to see if VehicleSeats or Seats are incorporated into the script, or if they have to be formatted according to the script (check the comments in the script or the ReadMe script he usually places in with his scripts to explain how to set them up.

Seems strange that any type of seat wouldn’t just Weld a Player to it when touched without being affected by ‘gravity’.

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You can try it out your self. It still welds the player but the player can also still manipulate the controls. It’s really weird. I know that Egomoose’s wall stick module worked with seats but that one won’t really work for me (unless of course it can because I don’t fully understand either of the modules). If you can answer my last post that is linked at the top, and figure out how I can use the wall stick m controller for what I am doing instead that would be greatly appreciated as I wouldn’t even have to disable it for the seats.