Help with dislike spam

I’m not exactly sure if this is the right category but it seemed like the closest one since it’s a game problem. Anyway, I just got spam disliked by a user who joined my game so I made it private for now. It was at one single dislike before he started disliking it, now it’s at 11. I want to know if it’s possible to remove the dislikes because it won’t be good for my game’s plays and I haven’t even started to advertise it yet.

Here’s the game:


As far as I’m concerned you cannot remove dislikes from a game. Your best bet is to put your game in a new place.


In short yes. If you message Roblox support they can remove botted dislikes. However if the dislikes are legitimate then Roblox wont remove them.


Ok I’ll try that, thanks. Also sorry about that, when I read that in the rules I thought they meant that I can’t make a post for somebody who doesn’t have a forum account.


If your game is good, it will gain enough likes to surpass dislikes again. You have a very low number of total ratings so it should not be hard to improve once your game is public again.

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Dislike alts/bots aren’t anything new. Someone dropped a good 100 dislikes on my game once. Just ignore them, dislikes don’t matter too much for f2p


Aslong as you believe in your game then just keep going at it. Usually people will dislike bot/spam games just to get a reaction out of someone. You could re-release it on a different game when its more in a finished state.

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He didn’t bot, he actually took the time out of his day to manually make 10 accounts just to dislike a random user’s game.


You are able to have dislike botting resolved by contacting Roblox and have them help get the issue solved, me and a few other developers working on a hotel got massively dislike botted but was fixed in a couple of months later.

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I did that and they said they were looking into it and then just never did anything. xd

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Oh, well sorry then I don’t know of anything else.

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I mean, that’s a complete different situation. Mainly because you can’t manually remove the dislikes, but of course you can contact Roblox regarding the situation. With my previous post I just meant you can’t manually do it.

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