Help with distance scaling

hey, I’m having a hard time with figuring this out. this is a script to interpolate an instance to the player with points on the bezier curve. my main goal is to:

  • get the player’s distance vector
  • get a percentage of that for the curve, for example 30% for the right curve
  • position the curve points
  • start interpolating

and as it scales more and more, it should keep the same percentage and have a constrained curve.

I’m just kind of having a hard time to plan it out and make it simple and not use excessive lines

original script:

local replicated_storage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local bezier = require(replicated_storage:WaitForChild("BezierCurve"))

local soulball = script.Parent
local curveMarker = workspace:WaitForChild("Curve")
local curveMarker2 = workspace:WaitForChild("Curve2")
local marker = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Marker")

startPos = soulball.Position
endPos = workspace.dood:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position
curvePos = 
curvePos2 = 

for i = 0, 1.01, 0.01 do
local curve =, curvePos, curvePos2, endPos)
local pos =


soulball.CFrame = soulball.CFrame:Lerp(pos, i)


--local new_m = m:Clone()
--new_m.Position = curve:Calc(i)
--new_m.Parent = workspace

if anyone could help me, please do so! thank you :coefficients: