Help with dynamic music for killstreaks

Hello! I’m very new to coding, and I’ve had this idea for a while that I think would be pretty cool where when a players killstreak gets higher, the music gets more layered and awesome and stuff. I also need help with shuffling different tracks that also have layers.

If anybody could help with this, that would be greatly appreciated!!

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Upload some sounds/get some sounds from the free audio on roblox via Toolbox. Create a remote event in ReplicatedStorage to tell the client when they got a kill. On the client, play sounds on top of each other I guess. Idk how to make the sound more complicated unless you mixed the sound yourself and upload them.
You could take a sound track, mix it and create a more complex version each mix. And then upload the sounds.
Each time you get a kill, switch the volume properties of the sounds so you only hear one. You can also change the .TimePosition property instead of playing all of them and changing the volume.