Help with E to interact billboardgui

Hey guys just having some issues with my script. Sorry if tthis post is not very specific this is my first post.

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I would like to achieve an E to interact system like Jailbreak for entering cars and/or interacting with objects.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    My current issue is I have followed multiple tutorials from DutchDeveloper, Crazyman32 and a few others but they all do not work. I have watched each of them multiple times, with no luck.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I have not looked for solutions on the developer hub, but I have treid reading over the scripts for errors and stuff. I am not a very good scripter.

I am very, very new to scripting so if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated!
For extra information, you can DM on the DevForum

First of all, DO not use a billboard gui for a interaction system.
For things like giving player’s a tool you would have events be fired, etc etc.

Your question is very low informatively asked and you have tried almost nothing it seems.

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Sorry. Why shouldn’t I use a billboard gui?

I am very new to coding so I have no idea how to start or where to go.

Definitely use a BillboardGui. It’s the easiest way to put a UI element in 3D space. What about the tutorials isn’t working?

If you open up stuff and go to template, there should or one called story game or something, that has a E to interact GUI that could help you!

Theres no reason really why they can’t use a BillboardGui for a system like this, it would make sense to use one if they are looking for a system which appears in the 3D world and isn’t locked to a specific surface.

You could use the ContextActionService to bind the ‘E’ key to interact with an element when the client is close enough.

You’d also need to look into the client/server boundary, and use RemoteEvents/RemoteFunctions to validate when the user has interacted and perform any server-sided code related to the action you want to happen.

Hope these articles from the developer hub help :slight_smile:


Does it make the character sit down in a seat/vehicleseat because that is what I am trying to accomplish.

Uh, no not really but there is a E to interact GUI with a script that you can read and learn from.

All help is appreciated :slight_smile: but I have NO idea on how to read these or apply them to my game.

We can’t spoon feed you the script, that’s not what the catagory is for.

Okay. Thank you all help is appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

As you are quite new to scripting on Roblox (based off of your replies and main post), it is highly recommended that before you attempt to create this you first learn Lua syntax, how to begin writing simple code, indentation, etc. You need to develop all of these basic principles before you dive deeper into things like interaction systems.

If you need resources please use the search feature on the Devforum and look for threads with advice on how to get started, there is a lot of them. This request makes it look like you are wanting to be spoonfed the code without any real understanding of how it works - that’s not what the category is for.


I just have one more question. The tutorials from DutchDeveloper and Crazyman32 did not work. At all. Did Roblox implement an update recently that broke them? They aren’t that old of tutorials.

The reason why I said no billboard UI is that doesn’t work on mobile or any other device. You’ll have to have a screengui and something called WorldToPoint or something.

By using ContextActionService, you can bind the action to use a button for devices with a touch screen.

For touch, on-screen touch buttons can be used in place of key presses: these buttons display only while the action is bound, and the position, text and/or images of these buttons can be configured through this service.

Those are more advanced tutorials. They still work but the chances that you made an implementation error are high in which you are unaware of how to debug. This is a shot in the dark because there is no substance to go off of, but I haven’t had any such troubles working them.