Hello everyone! I have a quick question as i’m building a spaceship system with artificial gravity capabilites using EgoMoose’s fantastic wallstick recource.
I’m having an issue with seats, (i’m well aware seats are incompatible with this device), but still… i’m trying to disable the controller (as is recommended when getting into seats) right before the sit function plays when clicking e on the pilot seat, and then renable the controller directly after the player gets up. But, the re-enabling doesnt seem to be working. `
The Ship_Controller.Enabled(false/true) is the wallstick enabler/disabler, it just sends to another function that destroys the wallstick or creates a new one. The issue im having has nothing to do with this function, i tried it without the function aswell.
This is that function:
Why is this not working? Am I enabling and disabling wrong?
Thanks for your assistance. As always i love this community!