I have made a working elevator cab that can move smoothly at fast speeds.
One thing I’m having trouble with is moving the players inside.
They always fall through the floor, and other methods involve restricting player movement within the cab.
What’s an optimized way I can smoothly move the players inside while still retaining their ability to move?
- I am under the assumption here that there is never a need to access the outside of the elevator WHILE IT IS MOVING.
In that case, you shouldn’t tween the elevator; play with the visual effects. You can add some screen shake, or other high gravity effects to make it feel like the elevator is moving, when it really isn;t.
You can even animate the inside of the elevator to seal the illusion. Unless someone exploits, glitches (shiftlock, etc), it’ll be pretty hard to tell the difference.
Then once you want the player to get off the elevator, teleport the elevator itself to that floor.
Note to 1: This would be false if, for example, you’re animating an elevator falling from space and players need to do some kind of obby while the elevator is falling (like literally, with physics)