hi i have game and i do for my game teleport system from game to game but it not work
when i press f9 it say in developer console is say teleport failed because the game is not published (unauthorized)
You cant do teleporting in Roblox studio. That’s is what is causing the error. You have to test when the game is published and in roblox
yep i was doing that and still not work
did you know how fix it or not
i am publish in roblox studio the go create and make public but still not work and use it from roblox
Can i see the script? To see the problem?
local placeID = 10018694636
local ts = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
ts:Teleport(placeID, player)
i was 2 anothere script but still
did you know fix it ? or not and it local script not script
i have doing that so many time and dont work
Have you enabled the setting in both places?
I would recommend you check all your scripts for any mistakes.
yep i am doing it but still not work
Have you published both places to the Roblox website and made them public?
Are both of the places you’re referring to public?
This stuff is actually pretty easy. You just have to do everything right …
Here is a step by step from Roblox on how to do what you’re looking to do. GL!