Help With Figma

Hey guys! Just today I found figma, and I really like it, I feel as if this could really improve my UI, only problem is, I don’t have a clue about how to use it, sorta like when I first started with roblox studio, so can you guys provide me with small tips and pointers, like, how to get a border, how to make your shapes look metallic, and those types of things, thanks I hope I do well with this new tool.


Hi! I use Figma, so I can help you out.

First of all, you got to have a google account to use it. Log in to that when it prompts you to it.

Then, create a new Project. Then, create a new folder. In that folder, you can create multiple files with UI’s. To save it, simply click on the save icon, or export it.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks, I already created the account and took care of all that mandatory stuff, thanks for helping!

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