Help with FireClient() with specified player

I have a seat that when a players leaves the seat it should fire an event. but im getting this error: “player argument must be a Player object”
Here is the script:

	if child.Name == "SeatWeld" then
		if Active == true then
			Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Seat.Occupant.Parent)
			Active = false
			pcall(function() NewGui:Destroy() end)
			Player = nil
			NewGui = nil

Any help?

You’re setting the player variable to nil here, probably why it’s doing that

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Oooh I am so bad a scripting… Thank you!

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Fire the remote before you set the variable to nil like said

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Anytime! If you hae anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!

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Yes I did that, i put a very tiny wai there for no more errors: wait(0.01)