Help with function argument hints

Is there any way to make all this messy text dissapear?

Like how it used to be?

How it used to be is, say I had a function to create a specific car:

function NewCar(Color, CarType, CarParent)

when trying to make a new car somewhere else in the script, instead of typing:
and it showing (Car, CarType, CarParent)
and for typing:
NewCar(CarModel:Clone(), “Wagon”…
and it showing (Car, CarType, CarParent)
it shows whatever junk it shows in the picture above. I asked this a long time ago, and been wanting to ask it again because the answer wasnt clear and whoever answered made me seem like I was making it up of how it used to be or something, but it’s really been bothering me. How do I make it simple text again?

This should work to achieve what you’re looking for:

Well now it shows nothing. I wanted it to show only what I have already put in the parenthesis. Not the “t2 where t1 = {- [number]: boolean” and all that crap.

I could be wrong, but I’ve checked the script editor settings, and there doesn’t seem to be one that removes the type information from the function argument hints without disabling the hint completely


In the end, you’re free to configure the script editor according to your personal preferences, but may I ask why do you wish to disable the type hints in the first place? They’re quite useful, as they give you an idea of what the function expects without needing to check the docs that often

Why don’t you type cast your function and its arguments and maybe add a function comment if you want

You would need to use a type annotation for this. Depending on what exactly CarType is (i’ll be assuming a string from the example), you can do:

function NewCar(Car:Model, CarType:string, CarParent:Model)

(or just the CarType variable if you don’t wanna annotate every variable)
If the variable can have multiple types, you may also use the type any.