Help with gaining players

How can I advertise my car game, My game name is called Appleton: ( ✦ ) :jack_o_lantern:(HALLOWEEN EVENT!) Appleton​:jack_o_lantern: - Roblox

and I want to know how I can advertise my game for people to find it and play the game. I’m a teenager but my family doesn’t want me using social media to advertise and I can’t use ads manager because I only have 15 Robux. So, can you give me ideas on how I can advertise it without spending money?

I guess Roblox experiences that helps market your games could help, for example:

Other than that- you’re out of luck. Your parents is basically setting you up for failure, you need to have a sit down conversation with them about what you’re trying to accomplish towards your game. I don’t understand what the problem is about advertising your game through social media. No offense but they’re acting like you’re in the process of being robbed or something.

I mean, you can tell your friends. I mean, it won’t help too much, but they can tell their friends, and it should grow. Telling people like us on the forum helps, because we can play it (I will later), but other than us, there’s not too much you can do. You could try playing one of those dev donations games, but idk how good they are